Leading Lender to
Residential Real Estate Investors

CoreVest prides itself on flexibility and reliability. We find ways to get deals done and help our clients grow their businesses.

$20B+ loans closed, 150k+ units financed

Grow with CoreVest

Partner with us and take your business to the next level

Direct Access to Capital

We’ve closed over $20 billion in loans, offering borrowers uncapped access to capital.

Customized Loan Products

We’ve worked with thousands of investors, tailoring our loans to their unique needs.

True Nationwide Lending

We’ve closed loans in 48 states, financing more than 150,000 units across the nation.

One-Stop Shop for Investment Loans

CoreVest offers convenient financing options throughout the investment lifecycle.

Get Started with CoreVest

Invest with Confidence

Experienced - we know your business.

We have partnered with thousands of borrowers to finance residential investment properties across the nation.

Efficient – we get the deal done.

Our streamlined closing process and dedicated support allows you to focus on your business, not our paperwork.

Certain – we’re ready to fund your deal.

CoreVest offers certainty and reliability. We have the capital to deliver funds when you need it, where you need it.

Real Estate Investor Feedback

Innovative Real Estate Financing

“After speaking to many other lenders, CoreVest offers the best product lineup, which is truly cutting edge. Their combination of a fix and flip credit line and a rental portfolio loan has significantly boosted our purchasing power through access to both debt and equity, helping our business grow tremendously.”

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Lin He, President
Understands Our Business

“They were very willing to understand our business, drive efficiencies in the process, make the ease of doing business, and take out all the frictional costs. You can get a cheaper interest rate somewhere out there, but there’s always a cost to a business relationship.”

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Dan & Jerry, Co-Founders
River Rock Capital Partners
Quick Underwriting, Execution

“CoreVest has helped our business grow tremendously because of the terms that they offer. It allows us to buy more houses using the same amount of capital. We can also execute quickly because they underwrite quickly, closing usually in a few weeks.”

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Bruce McNeilage, CEO
Kinloch Partners LLC
Improved Our Cash Flow

“We had very limiting traditional bank financing, 5-year maturity on a 15-year amortization. With CoreVest, we could amortize a lot further which has really changed our business. It’s improved our cash flow, increased our borrowing capacity, and freed up our equity.”

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Douglas Skipworth, Co-Founder
CrestCore Realty LLC
Very Personal Service

“CoreVest helps us not worry about the financing piece and really just grow the business. Also, we’ve been able to go past our normal capacity thanks to the non-recourse product. We’re consistently able to close our loan within just a few weeks and there’s always the same very personal service.”

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Trey Cummings, CEO
CS Equities LLC
Capitalize on Equity

“CoreVest has helped us grow, in short, dramatically. Funding has been very tough to secure with the local banks, especially for larger portfolios. CoreVest has been a godsend in that regards, allowing us to capitalize on equity that has built up in inventory and reinvest that money into additional properties.”

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Chris Garner, Owner
Garner Properties & Management

Together We Grow

CoreVest continues to grow with our borrowers and remain active participants in the industry

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